Friday, November 4, 2011

Steve Jobs left a legacy, will you?

Steve Jobs' Seven Principles For Success

Innovation is a new way of doing things that results in positive change. -
Steve Jobs
Principle One: Do What You Love.

People with passion can change the world for the better.
It’s very difficult to come up with new, creative, and novel ideas unless you are passionate about moving society forward.

Principle Two: Put a Dent in the Universe. Passion fuels the rocket, but vision directs the rocket to its ultimate destination.

In 1976, Jobs’ vision was to put a computer in the hands of everyday people.
Principle Three: Kick Start Your Brain. Creativity is connecting things, that means seeking inspiration. Jobs found inspiration in a phone book, Zen meditation, visiting India. He uses ideas to inspire his own creativity.

Principle Four: Sell Dreams, Not Products. People who buy Apple products are not “consumers, they're people with hopes, dreams and ambitions. We builds products to help people achieve their dreams and we win their hearts and minds.

Principle Five: Say No to 1,000 Things. I’m as proud of what we don’t do as I am of what we do. From the iPod, the iPad, packaging of Apple’s products, to the Web site. Innovation means eliminating the unnecessary so the necessary may speak.

Principle Six: Create Insanely Great Experiences. The Apple store has become the world’s best retailer by introducing simple innovations any business can adopt to create deeper, more emotional connections with their customers.

Principle Seven: Master the Message.
Steve Jobs is the world’s greatest corporate storyteller, turning product launches into an art form. You can have the most innovative idea in the world, but if you can’t get people excited about it, it doesn’t matter.
What's your message?

National Diabetes Awareness Month

Be sure and join us around town for a host of events for
National Health Education week!

Join me at the
Stream of Life
754 E. 82nd Street Chicago
Monday Eves
call for details

If you have PAIN or any Dis-Ease (from Asthma to Arthritis, Cancer to Kidney Failure, Liver to lung congestion) and anything else you can think of, come out and get EDUCATED! NOT MEDICATED! LEARN as much as you can!
FREE! OPEN TO PUBLIC! Costs you nothing but some time, and your opp to save your own life free from pain and disease!

May you never know the disease you prevent in your body!


Join Dr. Marshall Chin and Dr. Monica Peek on the Jacinda Show

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Monica Peek photo

Dr. Monica Peek

Dr Marshall Chin

Dr. Marshall Chin

Jacinda show logo

Come Out and Learn the Truth About Diabetes, nutrition, heart disease and other health related issues

Be a part of a LIVE studio audience!
Join Dr. Monica Peek and Dr. Marshall Chin of The University of Chicago's Improving Diabetes Care and Outcomes On The South Side Of Chicago team

The Jacinda Show

Saturday , November 12th


The Knapp Center

900 E. 57th Street

FREE Health Screenings
Admission is free!