Sunday, May 31, 2020

Happy Birthday Douglas Robinson! Gone But Not Forgotten!

It may not be the right thing to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway!

As I quote my SiStar of the Microphone from The Female Solution Radio Podcast
Wendy Williams Deloach, ESQ (Attorney on Family Law/Relationships)
Thursday's 7-9am CST

Because I'm on the Sunny Side of Sixty, I can speak my mind as i please!

I am glad my little brother is not here to witness what is transpiring today!
He was an artist with very delicate feelings, and  I am not sure he would
 have handled this current way of living. 
I may be wrong, but I think I knew him well.

This current state of being is a challenge to us all.

This old hierarchy system is finally shifting.
Many will suffer, have suffered, and will continue to suffer until...

Until we change the ENERGY! FREQUENCY! of the planet!
How do we do that?
Tune in daily to learn how to move beyond appearances,
into the realm of a new reality.

From 3D, to 4D, possibly 5D and beyond?
What is that?
Do your own research and discover.
Or just tune in to Monday Morning Mindfulness
Monthly Contributor- Brother Lionel Abdul Haque of
Community Cultivations!
Higher Learning with ZeldaSpeaks
7-9am CST
8-10am EST
6-7am PST

Live STRESSRelief Session 7:15am

Eventually, everyone will catch up, at their own pace!
Every journey is not the same!

Happy Birthday Lil' Brother!
I know you're on another level of existence, making someone smile
with your creativity!

Love! Peace & Hairgreese!

#Please #Share the knowledge!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

honoring SiStar of The Microphone, WISDOM with MamaDee.

Excerpts from, honoring SiStar of The Microphone, WISDOM with MamaDee. This excerpt was taken from the show on Monday Morning Mindfulness with ZeldaSpeaks, May 25th, 2020. Guest was Dr. CJ Mimee, of

Monday, May 25, 2020

Orthopedic Manual Therapy and Neuroscience Healing

with Dr. CJ Mimee on
Monday Morning Mindfulness:
Higher Learning with ZeldaSpeaks

MamaDee's show is every 4th Thursday Noon - 2pm

link to MamaDee

Monday, May 4, 2020

are you living in fear?

Chances are you may be experiencing fear as a result of the global pandemic.

Fear releases STRESS HORMONE!

IF you watch information on TV it weakens your immune system
If you hear about it on radio, it weakens your immune system
If you see it on your cell phone, it weakens your immune system

We are literally making each other sick!

We have to change the energy that we are experiencing!

A good way to monitor that energy and change the vibration is to become aware of it, then practice the process of releasing it thru our BREATH!

Join us on
Higher Learning with ZeldaSpeaks on Monday Morning Mindfulness!
7-9am CST

If you're not afraid of your full potential in the field of changing your vibrations/frequency, then join the health revolution and get on board the healy health experience!

Stay on purpose,
stay empowered,
stay tuned to higher learning!

visit now and get 30-40% off!