Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day with Author Mary Morris

Mary Morris, 

Educator, Author and Maywood youth mentor, joins on this Memorial Day Celebration, reminding us of our Ancestral Greatness!
Morris, who wrote the book “Young Lions: Challenged to Live Free”, recently published a ancient African calendar. At the Saturday breakfast she presented the ideas and concepts in her body of work to area residents.
“How many of you have heard that we were once kings and queens in Africa? You come from the greatest culture in the history of the world,” Morris's mission is to teach our community the truth of their own greatness.
Join the conversation on social media at and HLN-TV Show Youtube on the Higher Learning Network TV SHOW Channel!
Call in at 515-605-9325 Press 1 to Speak! (If busy call back!)

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Rest in Garden Peace B-Luv (Betty Smith)

We honor our Sister of the microphone B-Luv

(Betty Smith) of WEI
(Women Entrepreneurs Intl.) who made her transition on Friday!
She was host of WEI

 Saturdays 12 noon on   We honor the work this Mother,  Master Gardener, IntL Speaker. Memorial June 1st TBA

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

building the village

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

building the village

When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of your AmazonSmile purchase price to the charitable organization of your choice. 
Higher Learning Network NFP 
Location: Chicago, IL | Year Founded: 2006
Mission: HLN was founded in part due to the need of youth finding their way in the Broadcasting Industry. HLN teaches behind-the-scenes Radio/TV/Print Production, with an emphasis on youth development. As a result, adults/community residents who were searching for a way to provide for their families and improve their quality of life became interested and got involved as well. ZeldaSpeaks, (The Mindfulness/Stress Relief Coach) the co-founder retired from radio would volunteer speaking at community events…
Programs: How To Create Your Own Job! (Using Natural Gifts, Talents, and Abilities!), Ex-Offenders Publishing Project, How To Create Wealth Using Social Media, How To Self Publish and Keep 10% Profit!

When you shop on this site, you make the difference in saving a Senior Citizen's or a Child's life!
At The Higher Learning Network,NFP, we teach youth behind-the-scenes- Radio/TV/Print production which helps the community at large.

Your shopping dollars will go a whole lot farther when you
help keep the village in tact.  Thanks for your support!

Your dollars matter! Make it a great day!
Spread the joy! Continue to build the village.

#mindfulness matters #StressRelief #PleaseShare

Monday, May 13, 2019

Your House is on Fire if you live in Illinois!

 Just in case you missed it:

The Hybrid Octopus Tax System Part 2: How It Affects You!

Just in case you missed  Monday Morning Mindfulness:
This information was shared with me by our guest Anthony Travis
of the Octopus HybrdidTax System who says,
" If you live in the state of Illinois, you are being OVERTAXED for the last 40 years!
According to the Tax Doctor, Anthony Travis, Founder of The Octopus Hybrid Tax System,
you are paying up the nose and your house is about to burn down!

Mr. Travis shared the story of Robb Perry, a business man in Coles county
They started the concerned tax payer in Coles county.
This group have file three law suits against their county for over taxing them
and Robb is part of our coalition!

The commercial and industrial properties have not been reassessed for 15 years! 

YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE! is the campaign!
STATE REP LaShawn Ford
State Senator Kim Lightfoot

1. Write individual letter (each letter is representativeof 10,000 Letters) They know most people are too lazy to write so
that's why ONE Letter is worth so much! Hopefully your 1 letter is written TODAY!

SEND A COPY to both State Reps asking them the following:
(You have the right because your tax dollars pay their salery!)

sk them:

1) To Get the schools OFF Property Tax System!)
(So Chicagoans/Illinoisians can save money and STOP PAYING HIGH TAXES!

2, Have one state wide budget for funding our schools,
consolidate the 856 districts down to 102 and unify k-12 s districts.
(The 7,000 units of government should be cut down to 1500)
& You wonder why there's so much governmental waste!

3. Stop local Citizens from losing their homes to property taxes! (
Remember how Dr. Willie Wilson helps people pay their
property taxes at City Hall this past February?
He knows the tricks of governement and helping people on his own!)
You can do the same by demanding this plan of action!

4. Pension Crisis: cut out the 3 % increases  for any one making over $50,000 and up.

5. Cut out the PROTECTION clause.

6. TAX retirement  income over $50,000 and up!

The Tax Doc may 12, 2019

There you have it!
Questions? Contact Anthony Travis
or email