Sunday, July 29, 2007

empowered shopping

How can you be empowerd just by shopping?
By witnessing others lose weight by NOT DIETING!
Empowerment comes from within, really!

Yesterday was truly an adventure. I did something yesterday I have not done in a looooooooonnnnnnnng time. I went shopping for wardrobe for the weight loss reality show I'm hosting ( ) something I really don't like doing.

You're probably thinking, "What is wrong with her?"
Shopping is a woman's favorite thing to do. Not really.
I'd rather point and click on the internet and have it shipped to me.
After trying on several outfits, I was pleasantly surprised to seeI'd gone down a size or two.
(depending on the design)

When one puts their mind to doing something, results will follow.
As you may or may not know, as host of this show, I need to show some results as well.(See results in upcoming ZTV Show on Ch. 19, Sundays at Midnight)Several of the contestants have lost over 50 pounds withoutdieting or surgery,(Just practicing the principles of Thintuition)
so I really had to step up to the plate.(excuse the pun)It's really inspiring to see so
many people of all ages and backgroundsfollow this plan
(Eat only when you're hungry!)and have fantastic results.

It just goes to show the power of the human spirit,once you make up in your mindwhat you're going to do.I've seen one contestant who was diabetic, decrease his medication because
he's learning to eat only when hungry.Living in a society that drowns us with junk food, and the meet to eat mentality,it's a daily struggle. Nothing worth having is easy.

So remember that the next time you're tempted to indulge in your drug of choice.
(Food, alcohol, gambling, sex, shopping, sports, etc.)

The greatest gift we have in this life is the gift of life and how we choose to live it.

No matter where you are in life, you have the power of choice to do something different,
if you don't like where you are in life now.So, what do you need to make up in your mind?
Higher Learning begins within. Take some time, sit down and get quiet.

You'd be surprised at what you can do when you do this.Begin within.
There lies all the answers to your problems. It's no fun shopping when you can't try on a new size smaller than your regular size. but it's definitley empowering when you can see some results from your hard work!

That's empowering!
So! What will you do to empower yourself today?

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