Sunday, July 15, 2007

self empowerment comes by doing!

It's coming down to the grand finale of the Thintuition Competition!
This competition is teaching me more than I ever anticipated!
Yesterday's television taping included the contestants going back to the wall climbing experience. This time, Rob invited me to try to climb the wall, and of course being the champ I am, I welcomed the challenge.

Little did I know this experience would take me beyond any physical performances I've ever experiened. I was only on the wall for a few short minutes. I realized very quickly that this rock climbing thing was not for the timid. What these contestants were experiencing was real. The first time they climbed, most of them didn't even go half way to the top. This time, many of them did.

I realized that sports activities are so much more mental, than physical. You can not achieve anything physical before you see the picture in your heard. Needless to say, I didn't get the visual before I attempted to climb the wall.
Sitting next to me was a young Japanese Climber named Sushi, who climbed the wall as if he were Spiderman! He said he was a beginner, but I didn't believe him. I figured no one human could scale a wall that quickly unless he was sub-human. Then it occurred to me that the only way to get better at this experience was to do it again and again, just as Sushi did.
So this week, I am meeting the contestants to go wall climbing again, and this time, I will be on the wall for more than 5 minutes. I am going to go somewhere quiet before I go to the health club, see myself climbing that wall, and then GO and climb that wall. I will see it, BEFORE I actually go and DO it!
There's a wall climbing experience happing in your life as well.
So, what will you do to climb that wall?

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