Thursday, March 27, 2014

for MEN ONLY Health & Wellnes

Sista’s of the hood

501 N. Central Ave.                                                                                                         
 P.O. Box 440044
Chicago, IL. 60644                                                                                                       
 Chicago, IL. 60644                                                                                        

                                                Sponsorship -Support
I am Linda Barker Founder/CEO of Sista’s of the hood (SOTH), a 12 year community involved 501c3 not for profit, based in Austin, along with the Austin Community Resource Center (ACRC) and Fathers, Families In Transition (FFIT), both nonprofits, we are planning to host the “Digital Age of Survival Health/Wellness and Empowerment Seminar/Workshops Event
On April 19, 2014 an all day event.  It will be targeting disadvantaged male residents of the Austin community
We feel that the healing and rebuilding of our Austin families and community must start with addressing the social ills of the men by providing necessary health, wellness and empowerment resources to them. The majority of these men are fathers to thousands of children who can benefit in countless ways from a rejuvenated, healthy and empowered parent. This project is expected to provide many valuable services to over 250 men from 18yrs old to 70 yrs old. We are reaching out for your support in the area of sponsorship or a financial donation.
Your support will help insure we are able to reach out and provide the holistic type seminars, workshops and resources necessary to encourage and uplift the men in attendance that faces challenges that include health, housing, employment, entrepreneurial training and encouragement toward reducing their rate of recidivism.
We hope that we can count on you to help the men of Austin through your support of this most important event Please feel free to contact me for more information or questions at
773-858-4453 or email
Linda Barker
Sista’s of the hood

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