Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Month of Resistance to End Mass Incarceration


                        Month of Resistance to End Mass Incarceration 

I'm writing to ask for your participation in the Stop Mass Incarceration Network's month of resistance to mass incarceration. Cornel West is a co-founder of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, Michelle Alexander has endorsed it. The concept and plan are presented here, in our "Call":  "October 2014: We Say No More! A Call for a Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation". This is the core message around which the month of resistance is organized. Many of the endorsers so far are listed here, too.
The "launch" meeting here in Chicago is this Saturday, August 16, at the Quaker House at 5615 S. Woodlawn.

From The New Jim Crow, to tens of thousands of US prisoners locked in solitary confinement in violation of international standards, to Eric Garner's murder in New York and now Mike Brown's in Ferguson, MO, what's going on is an outrage and completely intolerable. The goal of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network is to end mass incarceration, as soon as possible. Not tweak it or make it a little better for a few people. And not in 10 years. I would love to know your thoughts about this month of resistance and its Call, what you think needs to be done to make October as powerful a month of resistance as possible, and as much active participation in it as possible.

More information about the Chicago meeting is here

Chicago Organizing Launch of the 
October 2014 Month of Resistance
All those who have been personally affected and EVERYONE who cannot live with the horrors of mass incarceration, police brutality, repression and criminalization of a generation are invited. Join with others to make plans for October and get involved
Saturday August 16, 2014, 1 - 5 pm
Quaker House     
5615 S. Woodlawn Ave
"We call for a massive Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration in October of this year; a Month that can impact all of society; one that can open the eyes of millions of people to the need to end this new Jim Crow."
Stop Mass Incarceration Network - Chicago

Mike Holman
Executive Director
Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund

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