Monday, March 2, 2015

help a Diabetic!

Diary of Mad Ex-Diabetic

Forward by Chef Tony Hogues:

Coming from a family of diabetics, I wasn’t surprised to see how my wife became diabetic because she used to eat the same way my family members eat! Too much food on the plate, or too many sweets. (Cakes, pies, cookies, donuts, candy, almost anything with sugar.)

After her accident a few years ago, she was hospitalized and discovered what I feared the most. My wife was a full-fledged Type 2 Diabetic! I could no longer feed her all the good stuff she likes, no loves! As much as she loved my cooking, she could no longer eat it. So now that means I’ve got to cook the kind of cooking she likes, without the southern style fat!

It was really a blessing in disguise because it actually made me a better cook. Since she’s the writer in the family, she encouraged me to write my first book. She continues to encourage me to write my second book, The Private Police of CHA, which mentions our dearly departed former Mayor Jane Byrne.

As I continue to help my wife maintain a diabetic free life, I encourage you to live by the recipes outlined in this eBook. I see the difference it’s made in her life, as she continues to work out and be the best she can. She is truly an inspirational conversation!

Chef Tony Hogues - Videographer/Host of Men On Higher Learning TV Show


I have my favorite male writer Tyler Perry to thank for the title of this book!

Diary of a Mad Black Woman was his first movie that inspired me to write this eBook. I use the term Mad Ex-Diabetic because it disturbs me to think that if most diabetics knew what I have learned, the Diabetic Community (type 2 anyway) would decrease tremendously.

If diabetics were educated and incorporated a LIVE Foods in their lives, we’d all live happier, healthier, pain and disease free lives! Disease would no longer be an issue. First of all, let us examine the word disease. As taken from Wikipedia/ Webster’s Dictionary

A disease is a particular abnormal, pathological condition that affects part or all of an organism. (Heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.) Too much of this, you get this disease. Too much of that you wind up with this disease. Basically, it’s an imbalance, in an organ. The real imbalance is in the MIND that leads us to believe the way we do things, think the way we do, and eat the way we eat! I grew up on junk food and remember days working in corporate America where I lived on food from vending machines or fast food.

Let the record show, I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, PRACTICIONER or anything of that nature. I am only sharing what I have discovered over a period of time that has worked for me! Let the record show, I am not telling you to stop taking your medications!
Feel free to share this info with your doctor, nutritionist, or any health care professional. Keep in mind, Western medicine practices (prescriptions with all its side effects, way too many to list here) is designed to keep you on your medications prescribed by your Western trained doctors. On the other hand, Eastern Medical practices (i.e. Dr. Depok Chopra- Ayurveda - The Science of Life, Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture, etc.) are alternatives to explore.

Medicine is big business. Pharmaceuticals are the engine driving this billion dollar industry, and we are the guinea pigs. Have you noticed all the commercials on TV lately with advertisements from law offices telling you to call them because “You might be entitled to a claim if you’ve used a certain medication?” Remember, Doctors are Practitioners! (Practicing theory learned from books, on you!)

If I am going to be a guinea pig, it will be on my terms, not the medical professionals. I refuse to furnish their lifestyles, luxury homes, cars, and send their kids to college, vacations, etc. while they practice on my body with pills given freely to them from Pharmaceutical Reps who give them an endless supply!

So keep in mind, you are experimenting with your body, every time you put something in it, whether its food, drink or prescriptions, you are being experimented on. I figure I know more about my body than my doctor, because sh/e only knows about the symptoms I describe. Doctors get paid to practice on their patients, right? (And get paid well for it!) So why can’t I practice on what I do or don’t put in my mouth, and benefit from it as well? Makes sense to me.

If it doesn’t make sense to you, then discard this information or share it with someone who’s not afraid to learn how to take control of the dis-eases lingering in their bodies.

Diabetic Dilemma

This is what I did for over a year! Freedom from diabetic dilemma did not occur immediately. It’s a process! So don’t think you’ll take an herbal concoction and be free of the disease. Just like it took you years to become a diabetic, it takes some time to cleanse your body from the imbalance caused by years of neglect.

This is just a small sample of what I did to rid my body of the disease!

It is a continuous journey. I could become diabetic again if I don’t continue to do the things that helped me cleanse my blood of too much sugar.

(Pray for me with the holidays approaching!)

Too much sugar/starch in blood = diabetes

Too much acid in blood = arthritis/gout

Too much of anything = cancer?

Page 3

The Plan
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